Yoma empowers youth on their learning-to-earning journey

South Africa, Nigeria, Benin, Ivory Coast, Burundi, Kenya, Trinidad and Tobago, Philippines


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Estimated reach: 3 M young people

Launch date: 07/2020

Status: Implemented

Project type: Youth Employment

Purpose of Project

Unlocking the hidden potential of Africa’s youth

Yoma is a digital marketplace that offers online- and offline opportunities for skills development, community engagement and employment for youth. In 2020, young Africans were three times more likely to be unemployed than adults (ILO, 2020). Now, the Yoma marketplace allows young people to align opportunities with their aspirations, their potential, and the current market demand by proposing individualised learning-to-earning pathways. As young people engage on the platform, their achievements are verified using blockchain and added to a digital CV, which enhances employability and can be shared with peers and employers for more informed matching. Additionally, youth are incentivised to engage through the digital token Zlto, a quasi-currency, that can be redeemed both in real local marketplaces (e.g. for transport, data bundles and airtime) and in the digital space (e.g. for mentoring or more advanced and tutored courses with limited intake).

Local team


Camila Haux

UNICEF, Research & Token Economy

Eugenio Donadio

Goodwall, Community Engagement Lead

Franziska Seiffarth

Project Lead Yoma GIZ, Advisor Digital Learning

Johannes Wedenig

UNICEF, Convener & Project Lead

Lohan Spies

DiDx, Technical Lead

Marlon Parker

RLabs, Legal Head of Yoma

Michael Scheibenreif

UNICEF, Green Yoma Lead

Wesley Furrow

Generation Unlimited, Partnership & Ecosystem Lead

Youth consulted in 5 African countries felt lost in navigating their learning to earning journey and expressed frustration that access to opportunities is very uneven across the continent. Thus the Youth Agency Market place, Yoma, was born putting youth back in control and at the center. Yoma makes opportunities provided by various partners more evenly accessible and helps to weave them together into individual growth journeys.

Johannes Wedenig


Yoma has impacted my life and the life of my relatives both educationally and financially. I have been rewarded with ZLTO that I am using to do my daily activities such as going to school and helping others.

Ishaq Zakari


As a global public-private-youth partnership, Generation Unlimited is excited to have co-created Yoma with UNICEF, GIZ, and others. Yoma is an ecosystem platform—a concept that originated from youth themselves. Youth are at the core of Yoma, leading and collaborating for action and impact on key social issues that affect their access to opportunities. We strongly believe in the power of youth as change-makers and feel that Yoma has the potential to drive that change at speed, scale, and impact for this next generation of youth.

Wesley Furrow

Generation Unlimited, New York

Yoma has impacted me in so many ways. It has given me the opportunity to learn new skills and acquire knowledge. It has exposed me to many platforms where I learn and make new friends.

Deborah Anozie


Yoma has impacted my life by equipping me with life skills and training for the future ahead. It provided a platform where I could take courses for free and still earn ZLTO for studying.

Taiwo Ayinde


Yoma has really impacted my life because it gives me the opportunity to make the best version of myself. After using the Yoma platform, I turned from an entry level job seeker to a professional because of my certifications acquired on Yoma. I always stand out to other candidates in job applications.

Abdullahi Ghazali


Genevieve, a peer educator from Burundi, joined the ‚Digital Livelihoods Challenge‘ hosted by Yoma in Kirundi.
© UNICEF Burundi/2021/Uwase

Smart Facts

Facts about Yoma

More than 260,000
young people have participated, since it was launched in 2020.

Yoma is expected to
expand globally 2022
as a separate non-profit entity.

Over 58,000 ideas were submitted during the COVID-19 design-challenge.

Yoma is currently completely
available in English and French.

7,9 million digital tokens worth more than USD 170,000 have already been awarded since 2020

The platform aims to reach
3 million young people
by the end of 2022.